• 検査結果  3件
  • [Fernand & Laurent Piot] Mar de Bourgogne/Eau d'Age 2008
    A marl that makes you feel the age with a fusion of fresh fruit flavor and warm spices. The rich flavor spreads in your mouth and dances on your tongue. Firm acidity harmonizes and smooth tannins enhance the finish. Enjoy the deep flavor that has matured over time! Open it on a special day and spend a blissful time with your loved ones.
  • 【ドメーヌ・ド・シャンブロウ】オー・ド・ヴィード・マール/ヴィエイユ10年樽熟成【専用ボックス入り】

    オーク樽で 10 年間熟成させたマール。明るい琥珀色。スモークウッド、シナモンやジンジャーブレッドや軽いピートの香りが感じられます。まろやかでクリーミーな味わい。素晴らしい食事の締めくくりに!

  • [Scales Go] Organic apple liqueur 2013 Sweet 17%

    Japan's first imported Danish wine is finally on sale! !

    The first Danish winery to receive PDO (Designation of Origin). Among them, DONS is dedicated to making sure that the world recognizes DONS as ``high-class sparkling wine from the village of Dons, Denmark,'' just like Champagne in France.

    A liqueur made from organically grown apples. Great sweetness and richness, with many flavors including candied orange peel and raisin. A luxurious sweet wine with a pleasant long-lasting aftertaste.